plastic surgery

Plastic Surgery and the Meaning of Life

Sounds Deep? Believe it or not, the way people relate to plastic surgery has a lot to do with their philosophy of life. First, there is the group that says, “If God had meant you to have _____, he would have given it to you!” If this attitude had prevailed, children born with crooked teeth […]

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Are Breast Implants Ruining Your Life

There is a growing army of women complaining of breast implant illness. Their symptoms frequently include fatigue, chest pain, hair loss, headaches, chills, photosensitivity, chronic pain, rashes, body odor, anxiety, brain fog, sleep disturbance, and depression. What can be done to relieve these health problems? I perform the en bloc explant procedure. I remove the

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Board certified plastic surgeon looking for volunteers to participate in major breakthrough in minimally invasive face/neck lift surgery. Candidates must have “jowling” and a “turkey neck” and approve the use of their photos and videos for educational and marketing purposes. Procedures will be performed in a fully accredited office OR using oral sedation, pain medicine,


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