I recently had the opportunity to train and perfect the Brazilian Butt Lift. This amazing procedure sucks fat out of unwanted areas like the tummy, hips, inner and outer thighs, bra rolls, knee chubs, love handles and the area above the buttocks, and puts it in the butt for more roundness and projection. The most important lesson was safety. I learned how to prevent fat from entering the circulation – fat emboli. My instructor injected one buttock and I did the other. The two sides were virtually identical!
The most common buttock deformities corrected by the Brazilian Butt Lift are flat butts – especially on the sides. The procedure totally corrects the problem.
I prefer to perform this procedure in my fully accredited office surgical suite under general anesthesia for patient comfort and safety. The procedure takes about three hours and the patents go home approximately two hours post-op. Normal activities can be resumed in two or three days. Compression garments specially made for Brazilian Butt Lift procedures are worn for six weeks. They can be removed for showers, or to replace with clean garments.
Bruising and swelling take about three weeks to resolve. Only 10% of patients desire more fat to be injected after healing is complete! Patient satisfaction with their new, round, firm, lifted butt is very high.
For a limited time only, I will be offering the Brazilian Butt Lift at HALF PRICE (standard price $10,000). It is requested that these lucky participants be videotaped and pictured for educational and promotional purposes.* Please hurry — this offer won’t last long.
*We are committed to patient privacy and confidentiality. Any patient identifiers will be screened for and removed as requested.