Look directly into someone’s face, and the first thing you notice is their eyes. But look at that same person’s profile, and their nose suddenly takes prominence.
The nose should work as good as it looks, and look as good as it works, but often that’s not the case. Appearance problems like a hump, a ball-like tip, a wide nose, or a flat nose and flaring nostrils are common, but not without hope. Rhinoplasty (nasal shaping) can correct all of these problems. A hump can be removed, the tip can be refined by removing excess fat and cartilage, a wide nose can be narrowed, a flat nose can be given projection with an implant, and flared nostrils can be narrowed.
A deviation of the septum (the partition of cartilage between the nostrils) or enlarged turbinates (the “air conditioning units” that protrude into the nasal airways from the sides of the nose), can cause breathing problems. By straightening the septum or removing the obstructing septum and turbinates, free breathing is restored. And, more good news, medical insurance usually contributes toward the fees of these procedures to improve breathing.
Perhaps the most important benefit of Rhinoplasty is the balance it creates in the face. A nose that constantly preoccupies a patient’s mind (“People are thinking what a big, ugly nose I have.” disappears after Rhinoplasty. The new nose is custom made to the person’s features. For example, a tall person should have less elevation of the tip than a short person to prevent people from looking up into their nostrils.
But, does it hurt? The idea of having something done to your nose may sound painful to you, but nasal reshaping has never been easier and more pain free. Gone are the old days of nasal packing and the discomfort it brought. Today, soft silicone tubes ensure comfort, ease of breathing, and smooth removal after the procedure is performed.
There are no visible scars in most Rhinoplasties because the work is done through incisions in the nostrils. Post-operatively, expect some bruising and swelling around the nose, eyes, and cheeks. You can be out and about three days after surgery if you don’t mind a plaster splint on the nose. The splint comes off a week after the procedure, and the bruises will disappear approximately one week later.
Frequently, patients will have improvements made on the other parts of the face and body (like eye-lid lifts, neck or face-lifts, breast or abdominal reshaping) at the same time as the Rhinoplasty. The procedures are performed in either a fully equipped office operating room or in the hospital, usually as an outpatient.
Although Rhinoplasty can be performed on male or female, young or old, everyone who has had the procedure done later in life has had the same regret — “ I should have had it done sooner.”
Dr. Kadesky is certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery and has a fully equipped, AAAASF accredited surgical suite at his Escondido office for your convenience. Call us today for a free consultation!