Our Blog

Yale Kadesky M.D. and his team at the H-Art of Plastic Surgery are dedicated to continuing a knowledge-base for their community.

The Best Cosmetic Product You’ve Never Heard Of

November 12, 2019

I don’t know about you, but I hate wrinkles. Between my eyebrows, they make me look angry. At the corners of my mouth, they make me look sad. Across my forehead, they make me look worried. Under my cheeks near my upper lip they make me look older than I feel. What can you and […]

Ultra Mini Lift – Ready for Prime Time

November 8, 2019

San Diego Plastic Surgery Breaking News My Ultra Mini Lift has passed the test with flying colors! I performed my third revolutionary minimally invasive face/neck lift last week and even the first post-op day result was amazing. Before offering this Ultra Mini Lift to the public, I wanted to test it on three patients. The results […]

Plastic Surgery and the Meaning of Life

October 23, 2019

Sounds Deep? Believe it or not, the way people relate to plastic surgery has a lot to do with their philosophy of life. First, there is the group that says, “If God had meant you to have _____, he would have given it to you!” If this attitude had prevailed, children born with crooked teeth […]

Are Breast Implants Ruining Your Life

September 23, 2019

There is a growing army of women complaining of breast implant illness. Their symptoms frequently include fatigue, chest pain, hair loss, headaches, chills, photosensitivity, chronic pain, rashes, body odor, anxiety, brain fog, sleep disturbance, and depression. What can be done to relieve these health problems? I perform the en bloc explant procedure. I remove the […]

The Ultra Mini Facelift

September 23, 2019

Ever pull your face up toward your temples? Looks great, right? Jowls disappear, neck tightens up. Wouldn’t it be great if it stayed up permanently? That’s what the Mini/Ultra Facelift does. This minimally invasive procedure removes a wedge of skin from the temple, with the scar hidden by your hair. It also tightens a deeper […]

Sniffing Out a Good Nose

August 23, 2019

Look directly into someone’s face, and the first thing you notice is their eyes. But look at that same person’s profile, and their nose suddenly takes prominence. The nose should work as good as it looks, and look as good as it works, but often that’s not the case. Appearance problems like a hump, a […]

Plastic Surgery “External Medicine”

July 23, 2019

Before exploring the many exciting techniques available in plastic surgery for almost every part of the face and body, it is important to understand the objectives of these procedures. Plastic surgeons are not trying to make all people look alike. In fact, quite the contrary. Notice how old people frequently look alike; the sagging tissues […]

Projecting Nipples in Men

June 12, 2019

As fashion has men wearing tighter shirts and thinner material, nipples are frequently seen under their garments. Men with large, projecting nipples are often embarrassed by their female sized nipples. What can be done to make these men feel comfortable and confident about the appearance of their nipples? A nipple reduction. A recent patient I […]


June 12, 2019

Board certified plastic surgeon looking for volunteers to participate in major breakthrough in minimally invasive face/neck lift surgery. Candidates must have “jowling” and a “turkey neck” and approve the use of their photos and videos for educational and marketing purposes. Procedures will be performed in a fully accredited office OR using oral sedation, pain medicine, […]

50% off Brazilian Butt Lift

June 12, 2019

I recently had the opportunity to train and perfect the Brazilian Butt Lift. This amazing procedure sucks fat out of unwanted areas like the tummy, hips, inner and outer thighs,  bra rolls, knee chubs, love handles and the area above the buttocks, and puts it in the butt for more roundness and projection. The most […]


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